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  • Writer's pictureKim Nam-Joo

President of Ireland visits Cuba for the first time

It was Thomas Bailey's first time outside of Ireland since 2050, and he chose to visit Cuba. During his visit he was cheerfully greeted by the Cuban President Maria Ibarra and was given the opportunity to speak to the Cuban people about free and democratic values. Afterwords he gave out autographs and took pictures with people. Generally, the visit went well.

However, not everyone was pleased with Bailey's comments praising democracy and freedom, especially not the "internet warriors" of Sina Weibo, who were disgusted by Bailey's words. The people calmly discussed the contradictions of what Bailey said and called them "hypocritical" because of his historically anti-democratic run as President of Ireland for roughly 35 years and his disastrous economic policies which diminished the Irish people's civil liberties along with subjecting nearly 45% of the country to the tyranny of poverty. Many internet users have called for an intervention in Ireland from the Supranational Union, which must make hawks like Bronshtein quite happy.

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